Character List
A growing list of names and terms used in the Pierre Jnr and Bumbly universe. WARNING: may contain clues to events within the books – so read first.
Abercrombie Pinter, Colonel
A retired Serviceman assigned as Services liaison to Peter Lazarus and his team; old; half-wired; large moustache of white and ginger; large eyebrows; blue eyes
Angelo, Max
Close advisor and old flame of Charlotte Betts
Applebent, Roger
A mid-level civic advisor; a guest on ‘The Corner’
Betts, Charlotte
Representative for psi tolerance and Citizenship Rights. Daughter of socialite Ellizabeth Betts.
Betts, Ellizabeth
Influential Citizen for Civilisation. Turned one hundred years old in 2160 CE before entering rejuvenation.
Campsey, James (Lieutenant)
Managing the operations in Busan but is allied to General Zim, seems like a bit of a tool
Cawthorne, Risom
young psi agent; tapper and bender both, but mostly a bender
Crozier, Quintan (Airman)
pilot of the squib taking Pinter to Busan. 33 yrs old. Pinter seconders him to be his personal aide
Diaz, Deshiel (Desh)
friend of Ben Harvey; low-level engineer, works maintenance for Frisco precinct; a bender/telekinetic; few years younger than Ben; bristly-faced, swarthy
the handle for a pretty vicious hakka, she’s like a seductress crossed with a Tasmanian Devil
deceased husband of Mali. (Manifestations)
Frost, Zach
lives in Tom and Lily’s orphanage in West; 13 years old; learns mathematics, crypto and languages and monitored by Miles Lizney.
lives in Tom and Lily’s orphanage
Gella, Prue
host of ‘The Corner’, a popular segment on the Weave
lives in Tom and Lily’s orphanage
this kid who lives in Mexica with his dad and his sick mother. They live off the gargantuan scrap mountains accumalated
Gregg, Lucius
a guest on the Corner; youngest member of the FutureFuture Club rejuvenation centre; proponent of the Laws of Diversity and many other crowd-science projects
Harvey family
Ben Harvey: a kinetic in West that flees with his family to the Cape.
Harvey, Freya: a mini-mogul in West, wife of Ben, mother of two, weak telepath.
Harvey, Bobby: son of Freya and Ben, telepath
Harvey, Molly: daughter of Freya and Ben, emerging kinetic
lives in Tom and Lily’s orphanage
had a dog name Poog
Kastonovich, Mary
mother of Pierre Junior. A registered psi now kept on the islands. Formerly a dancer. (The Hunt for Pierre Jnr)
Kay, Morritz
a big name in the world of personal technology, Kay leads a huge worldwide team who create wearable computing in the form of clothing, jewellery and other accessories; for those Citizens who don’t want to wear a symbiot
Lizney, Miles
a minor mentor, tutors a bunch of kids in West. Old guy, some kind of chronic medical condition
Li, Shen
Shen Li, inventor of symbiotic materials, was involved in the Terminus, spent his later years as a hermit in a deep shaft below Busan. Was briefly a mentor for Geof Ozenbach
La Gréle, Sevigny
psi fugitive, rumoured to be the leader of a psi underground movement
widow, wife of the late Eurosh; friends with artist and face-artist Morgan. (Manifestations)
Facemaker in Nijmegen, Europe. (Manifestations)
Oriolo, Janette
anti-psi lobbyist
Ortega, Milawi
sangoma (shaman), thinker, one of the founders of the World Union. Known for his seminal text What We Can See.
Ozenbach, Geof
the weaver initially assigned to the Pierre Jnr taskforce. He is bred; an incubator baby – ‘Born to be better, born to do good’; brought up in Yellowstone; Science was his mother and Services was his father; the zygote that he was would have been generations beyond the original sperm and egg; went to a Weaver ranch for his training; since age of 15 had been running assignments for ServicesPDP/Psionic Development Program or Project – have known of existence of psionic powers for 90 years.
Peter/Pete Lazarus
35 year-old telepathic fugitive. Volunteers himself to help Services find Pierre Jnr
Pierre Jnr
Pierre Sandro Junior is a child born of a psionic enhancement facility with seemingly unlimited powers. Father, Pierre Senior; mother Mary Kastonovich.
Pierre Snr
Pierre Sandro Senior, father of Pierre Jnr, was also part of the program. Sullivan was his male partner at time of Pierre Jnr’s birth.
Rush, Quaid
trend commentator, has his own studio and runs panel discussions
Schnell, Ramona
patron of the animal underclasses; has augmented hands of elongated four-knuckled blue claws
Shelley, Egon
one of the foremost scientists and technologists in the World Union. Three campuses operate under his leadership
Solomons, Gina
Gina Solomons – Citizen of Busan
young telepath who is restricted to the psi-islands
Tamsin Grey
a powerful psi who works for the Services tracking down and capturing unregistered psis. Around 30 years old; dark hair; black eyes
Watson, Amy
Charlotte Betts’s assistant
Westgate, Nigel
president of the Anti-Psi League
Zim, Zwybyck (General)
war veteran and founder of the World Union. Maintains a permanent position in the Primacy
Zucker, Bronwyn
‘Bron’ for short. Lives in Tom and Lily’s orphanage